What Is Sapphire Hair Transplant?

Sapphire hair transplant is a highly effective, minimally invasive surgical method that combines the conventional FUE technique with cutting-edge medical technology. Field specialists today distinguish two separate FUE techniques – sapphire FUE and classic FUE – thanks to applied technology that drives this diversification of revolutionary hair transplant techniques and hair loss therapies.

Using a micro motor and micro punch, both methods use blades to pull hair from a donor site (typically the back of the neck). Follicular Unit Extraction is what the abbreviation FUE stands for. The FUE technique has been described as the most current and widely used hair transplant procedure during the last few years. This referred to the traditional FUE procedure till recently.

Both the FUE procedure and the hair transplant market were transformed by the sapphire hair transplant process. The type of blade used for transplanted hairs is the key distinction between this procedure and traditional FUE. The sapphire method uses sapphire blades instead of typical steel blades. The inclusion of a valuable diamond to the incisions helped to make them more delicate and precise.

The material used to make the blade has an impact on the curvature of the blade and, as a result, the overall outcome of the hair transplant surgery. The sapphire blades have a V-shaped pin that is far sharper than standard steel blades, which are U-shaped. The more precise the incision, the narrower the channel and the fewer the scars, which aids hair transplant doctors in achieving smaller channels with fewer scars.

How it’s performed

Three phases are included in the Sapphire hair transplant procedure.
Hair follicles are extracted directly from the donor areas utilizing the most advanced technologies in this most unique and advanced hair transplant operation. The hair follicles are transplanted into the patient’s receipt site using a customized Choi Pen with a hollow needle after the extraction is accomplished.
It is not necessary to shave the head. It is feasible to begin the hair transplant operation as soon as the hair follicles are retrieved.

Step 1:

Get the Donor Area Ready

To perform the Sapphire FUE process successfully, the donor area must be shaved first, leaving a length of 1 or 2 mm. The donor site must then be anesthetized. The local anesthetic is given when the patient is comfortably situated face down on the table. The donor area is ready for the following stage, which is the extraction of follicular units, or hair, once the anesthesia begins to work.

Step 2:

Follicular Unit Extraction

In the sapphire FUE technique, the micro punch used to remove follicular units is 0.6 to 0.8 mm in diameter. This is a very delicate step of the procedure. The punch must be pointed in the direction in which the hair follicle is seated in the dermis and hypodermis after it has penetrated the epidermis. Following the extraction, the grafts are selected, chemically treated, and allowed to rest.

Step 3:

Hair Graft Transplantation

Hope Hair’s doctor creates the openings where the harvested grafts will be implanted during the final step of the sapphire hair transplant surgery. The hair growth direction, the density of the graft, and the implantation line are the most critical aspects that influence the quality of the result. Because sapphire hair transplant guarantees natural-looking outcomes, the changes in quality are minimal.

What Are the Advantages Of Getting A Sapphire Hair Transplant?


Short recovery time.

Sapphire blades, which are sharper than standard steel pins, ensure that incisions are done with more precision, resulting in less tissue injury. Furthermore, the sapphire blade’s structure permits hair transplant surgeons to utilize less tumescence, a unique fluid used to raise the skin from the bone. All of this adds to a more pleasant postoperative period and a quicker recovery.


No irritation.

That isn’t all, though. Sapphire blades are not only sharper and more precise, but they are also tougher and longer lasting. Antibacterial features of sapphire blade-based hair transplant devices lower the risk of problems and injuries. This treatment is especially beneficial for patients with rapid hair loss and steel-induced allergies because no neighboring follicles are injured.


Higher Efficiency.

Both FUE hair transplant techniques are praised for their ability to provide natural-looking outcomes, but sapphire hair transplant has a higher success rate. This approach is more effective because the blades create smaller channel holes, allowing for more dense transplantation. The follicles are also unlikely to become dislodged after hair transplantation for the same reason.

“I have been at Hope Hair Health Clinic today having my hair procedure and then went to surgery to the really nice clinic and was looked over by staff who have took great care after me and have really helped me with what I need.”

Rudy Sleiman
